A Venetian, Gabriele Giolito de Ferrari (1508-1578), established a bookstore and printing shop in Venice with his father, named “Liberia del Fenice” (the Phoenix bookstore). As we have seen with other printer’s devices, the mark may illustrate the…
These are the first two inner pages of the Montreal Health Press handbook and the third edition of "Petit manuel de la contraception," from 1975. In 1970 the first French publication of the Montreal Health Press was "Pour un contrôle des…
The marbling technique for this decorative paper has been achieved with the use of the comb tool. The colours used are also date to the mid-19th century and are not the classic and uniform blues, reds, yellows and whites colours typical of the 18th…
These are lyrics for a song that was sung as part of the 9th Annual International Women's Day March in Edmonton, Alberta in 1986. There is a note that instructs that it is to be "sung to the tune of "Fire's Burning".
This is a medium black t-shirt with a pink design of women flying and the text "Journée internationale des femmes / International Women's Day 1986" in pink lettering.