Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Raids in the Souchez-Avion Sector

Dublin Core


Raids in the Souchez-Avion Sector


This collection contains items relating to the Canadian Expeditionary Force's involvement in the Souchez-Avion Sector in May-August of 1917.


Most of the items in this collection are from Library and Archives Canada ( LAC contains items such as war diaries and photographs.

Items such as trench maps come from McMaster University's WWI Maps and Aerial Photography Collection (


The events in the Souchez-Avion Sector took place between the Battle of Vimy Ridge and the Battle of Hill 70; roughly from April 13 to August 14, 1917.


Mihaela Ion (

Collection Items

Covers Grid 36c SW which includes Vimy, Lens, and other small communes and hamlets in the area.

War Diary of the 102nd Battalion (C.E.F.) - May 1917
Extract from larger trench maps. Describes region where the 102nd Battalion was situated in May 1917.

Nicholson Map of the Battle of Vimy Ridge
Covers the battle plan for the capture of Vimy Ridge

Nicholson Map of the Battle of Hill 70
Covers the battle plan for the capture of Hill 70

War Diary of the 102nd Battalion, C.E.F., April 21, 1917
Account of the battalion's activities and locations on a specific date

War Diary of the 44th Battalion, C.E.F., May 1, 1917
Account of the battalion's location and involvement in construction on May 1, 1917

War Diary of the Royal Canadian Regiment, C.E.F., May 12, 1917
Account of the battalion's location on the front on May 12/13, 1917

Section of First World War British Trench Map - Grid 36c SW Lens February 1917
Covers Grid 36c SW which includes Vimy, Lens, and other small communes and hamlets in the area

War Diary of the 46th Battalion (C.E.F.) - May 5-6, 1917
Extract from larger trench maps. Describes the 46th Battalion's location during the First Triangle Raid.

War Diary of the 44th Battalion (C.E.F.) - May 6, 1917
Describes region where the 44th Battalion was situated in May 1917.
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