Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Mapping out the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837

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Mapping out the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837


Visual representation of the Upper Canada rebellion of 1837


This is a collection of maps and historical images which is meant to help demonstrate the movement of key figures involved in the Rebellion of Upper Canada in December 1837


The Rebellion of Upper Canada occurred in December 1837 and ended with William Lyon Mackenzie and his followers fleeing to Navy Island, a location on the Niagara River

Collection Items

1837 Map of Toronto
A contemporary map of Toronto in 1837. Includes Toronto and surrounding villages

David Gibson's Portrait
A reproduced image of David Gibson, an Upper Canadian whose residence was visited by William Lyon Mackenzie during the Upper Canada Rebellion

Montgomery's Tavern
A sketch of Colonel Moodie's death during the Upper Canada Rebellion which also shows a detailed image of Montgomery's Tavern

John Powell
A portrait of John Powell, an alderman of Toronto during the Upper Canada Rebellion

Blair Toll Booth
A sketch of the Bloor and Yonge Toll Booth, which was a prominent meeting spot for the rebels.

Battle of Montgomery's Tavern
A sketch of the Battle of Montgomery's Tavern which shows the tavern's destruction

William Lyon Mackenzie
A photograph of William Lyon Mackenzie, key figure of the Upper Canada Rebellion

Samuel Lount
A stone engraving of Samuel Lount, rebel leader during the Upper Canada Rebellion
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