Environmental Law Foundation
Dublin Core
Environmental Law Foundation
The Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) has a focused mission on providing legal assistance to ordinary individuals and communities located within the U.K. More specifically it focuses on providing legal assistance on matters involving the well-being of the environment, most concerning pollution or habitat destruction. The ELF operates as a charity and works in collaboration with various University based law clinics, and a network of technical experts and environmental lawyers. Through utilizing these various resources and legal experts the ELF is able to accomplish its goal of combating environmental degradation and promote the well-being and conservation of the environment. The organization has a strong belief in providing an equal access to justice for socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and communities that would not have access to such resources in resolving environmental issues (https://elflaw.org)
Organization Item Type Metadata
ENGO (Environmental Non-Governmental Organization)
Advocacy Reach
national organization
Year founded
Budget Information
35,000 GBP, 2021
Official website
The Barn, 36 High St, Pershore WR10 1DP, United Kingdom (2021)
Associated Course
Introduction to Sociology II (Carleton SOCI 1002)
Student Cataloguer
Cameron Baker
Cameron Baker, “Environmental Law Foundation,” Recipro: The history of international and humanitarian aid, accessed February 16, 2025, http://omeka.uottawa.ca/recipro/items/show/232.