Take 3 for the Sea

Dublin Core


Take 3 for the Sea


Wherever we are in the world, in some way we are connected to the sea. This organization states that the ocean provides us humans not only oxygen to breathe with the climate sustaining us, but also the ocean is our only key to our survival. With humans littering in our oceans, plastic pollution especially is killing wildlife, threatening the life of our planet, and devastating oceans. The organization explains that "plastic represents disconnection," and that the material is built to last forever, only using it once. Their goal as an organization is to inspire participation and collect those people who are connected to the planet. They believe that in simple actions it is the best way to address complex problems. At the end of the day, take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or anywhere you see trash laying in water. The organization's main inspiration was the turtle, as they are truly ancient beings. This animal brings connection between the land and sea. With the plastic pollution, it is devastating marine turtles through entanglement in debris and contamination of their food chain, since soft plastic is similar to their main food source, jellyfish. Their vision is to conserve the environment and protect wildlife from the impacts of plastic pollution and waste by leading a movement of people connected to the planet. (https://www.take3.org/about/).

Organization Item Type Metadata


ENGO (Environmental Non-Governmental Organization)

Advocacy Reach

global organization

Year founded


Budget Information

500,000 AUD, 2020

Official website


PO Box 3013, Bateau Bay, NSW 2261, Australia

Associated Course

Introduction to Sociology II (Carleton SOCI 1002)

Student Cataloguer

Brandon Molina


Brandon Molina, “Take 3 for the Sea,” Recipro: The history of international and humanitarian aid, accessed February 7, 2025, http://omeka.uottawa.ca/recipro/items/show/280.

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