De Crespieul, François (missionary in Tadoussac Quebec, Canada)

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De Crespieul, François (missionary in Tadoussac Quebec, Canada)


François De Crespieul was a missionary to the Montagnais tribe for 30 years. He followed and visited the Montagnais people through a wide range of villages in Quebec. Crespieul travelled far and wide through forest country and living like a member of the Montagnais tribe to seek his mission through. He explains how in his mission he suffered from things like smoke inhalation, exhaustion, malnutrition amongst other painful exposure. Crespieul was accompanied by Father Bonaventure Fabvre in 1688 to assist him in his continuation of his mission. Fabvre lasted almost 11 years of the mission before passing in 1700. Crespieul, exhausted and ill, finished off his mission in 1702 where he passed away from smallpox.






Missionary (Île-aux-Coudres to Sept-Îles) (Tadoussac to Lake Mistassini)


Lorenzo Angers, “CRESPIEUL, FRANÇOIS DE,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 2, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed October 4, 2021,

Person Item Type Metadata

Birth Date



Arras, France

Death Date


Place of Death



College professor/ teacher; Priest; Missionary

Languages Spoken or Written

French; Latin; Greek; Montagnais

Biographical Text

François De Crespieul began his religious training in 1658, then completed his philosophical and classical studies in France before fully becoming a priest. He was given the title of priest in 1670 and was sent to Tadoussac in hopes to begin his missionary work. Before beginning his work, Crespieul taught Latin and Greek at Jesuit college while finishing his theological studies as well as taking lessons in in language himself. The language of Montagnais would come in handy in his future missionary career dealing with the Montagnais territory. His mission was set in a wide range, covering from Île-aux-Coudres to Sept-Îles and Tadoussac to Lake Mistassini. He was part of this mission 30 years and because of his loyalty and commitment to this mission he was honoured with the title of vicar apostolic to the Montagnais tribe

Associated Course

Conflict and Change in Early Canadian History (Carleton HIST 1301)

Student Cataloguer

Hunter Seeley


hunterseeley, “De Crespieul, François (missionary in Tadoussac Quebec, Canada),” Recipro: The history of international and humanitarian aid, accessed September 19, 2024,

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