de Brebeuf, Jean (missionary in Midland, Ontario)

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de Brebeuf, Jean (missionary in Midland, Ontario)


As a Jesuit, Brebeuf was tasked by his superior Father Paul le Jeune with founding a mission in Huron country in 1634 where he’d preform most of his missionary work. He spent a lot of time among the Hurons and was able to understand their language and culture. This would also be where he’d write the famous Canadian Christmas carol “Huron Carol”.

Brebeuf would arrive in Huron territory during a deadly conflict with the Iroquois and would be taken prisoner alongside Father Gabriel Lalemant at the hands of the Iroquois.


1634-1638, 1644-1649




Sainte-Marie, Midland, Ontario, Canada


René Latourelle, “BRÉBEUF, JEAN DE (Échon),” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed September 29, 2021,

Person Item Type Metadata

Birth Date



Condé-sur-Vire, Normandy, France

Death Date


Place of Death

Saint-Ignace, Midland, Ontario, Canada


Priest; Jesuit: founder of the Huron Mission

Languages Spoken or Written

French; Huron (Wyandot); Spanish; Portuguese; Italian: Romanian; Catalan

Biographical Text

Born in France, de Brébeuf entered the Jesuit noviciate when he was 24 years old. Because of his aptitude for languages (de Brebeuf was highly educated in the Romance languages), he was chosen for the missions in New France in 1625 and set sail in April of that year.

De Brébeuf spent most of his time in the New World among the Hurons and would later establish a mission in Huron country which is today known as Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons. Unbeknownst to him, de Brébeuf would spend the rest of his life in Huron country as he arrived during the middle of a conflict between the Huron and the Iroquois. De Brébeuf would ultimately meet his end in 1649 at the hands of the Iroquois and would subsequently become a martyr as well as the patron saint of Canada.


Heidenreich, C.E., "Ste Marie Among the Hurons". In The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada. Article published February 07, 2006; Last Edited March 04, 2015.

Portrait Credit

Jean De Brebeuf. Canada Info. Accessed September 30, 2021.

Associated Course

Conflict and Change in Early Canadian History (Carleton HIST 1301)

Student Cataloguer

Meaghan Hastings


Anonymous, “de Brebeuf, Jean (missionary in Midland, Ontario),” Recipro: The history of international and humanitarian aid, accessed September 19, 2024,

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