Shakespeare in Canada: A Cultural Map

Shakespeare in Canada: Exploring Our Cultural History through Digital Humanities

A project to create an online interactive cultural map of the presence of the Bard and the way in which his works have shaped Canadian culture.

Browse Items (363 total)

A brief description of the mission, history and background of the Native Theatre School.

Death of a Chief_Poster.pdf
A promotional poster for the National Arts Centre's production ofDeath of a Chief signed by members of the cast and production crew.

Hamlet Maquette.jpg
Maquette created by John Pennyor for the NAC's 2004 production of Hamlet.

Monique Mojica as Caesar in ritual procession in the seven-minute “shamanistic” dumb-show that opened the Native Earth Performing Arts workshop presentation of Death of a Chief at the MacDonald Stewart Art Gallery, Guelph, Ontario,…

“Would he were fatter.” Jani Lauzon as Marc Antony and Monique Mojica as Caesar looking towards Brutus and Cassius as they conspired on stage left in the “split-screen” staging of 1.2 from Julius Caesar in the Native Earth…

Painting depicting the H.M.S. Assistance stuck in the ice while on expedition to find Sir John Franklin's Ships in the Arctic.

Hamlet April2-May 12-OMEKA.jpg
Poster forHamlet starring Neil Munro. The proudction ran at the NAC from April 2-May 12, 1979.

English translated audio recording of the french La Presse newspaper clipping regarding the public's positive reception of André Brassard's play Périclès staged at the National Arts Centre.
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