Shakespeare in Canada: A Cultural Map

Shakespeare in Canada: Exploring Our Cultural History through Digital Humanities

A project to create an online interactive cultural map of the presence of the Bard and the way in which his works have shaped Canadian culture.

Browse Items (363 total)

Hand-coloured illustration of the story of the H.M.S. Resolute.

Assignment for ENG 4142, "How Shakespeare Became 'Shakespeare'", a fourth-year seminar course

Assignment for ENG 4142, "How Shakespeare Became 'Shakespeare'", a fourth-year seminar course

Page 1.jpg
An overview of Bear & Co's summer production of Macbeth. Includes information about Bear & Co's theatre history in Ottawa, a note from the director, and biographies of cast involved in the production.

Photograph of Timothy Findley from the Stratford Shakespearean Festival Souvenir book July-August 1953 following the first annual festival in Stratford, Ontario.

A review and letter of appreciation by Professor Bennet on John Wood's production ofHamlet in 1974 at the Neptune Theatre.

A photograph of Wallis Simpson, taken from The Windsor Years. This was a book that designer John Ferguson drew inspiration from for the costuming inHamlet.

Assignment for ENG 4142, "How Shakespeare Became 'Shakespeare'", a fourth-year seminar course

Beginning page of the StoryMap online exhibit about the 1979 production of Hamlet at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa.

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atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2