Shakespeare in Canada: A Cultural Map

Shakespeare in Canada: Exploring Our Cultural History through Digital Humanities

A project to create an online interactive cultural map of the presence of the Bard and the way in which his works have shaped Canadian culture.

Browse Items (363 total)

Left-hand page has a note about Shakespeare's play, written by Duncan McIntosh. Right-hand page has the first of two pages of an interview with director Michael Langham, by Laurie Fyfe.

Left-hand page has the second of two pages of an interview with director Michael Langham, by Laurie Fyfe. Right-hand page is the first page of cast biographies: Chad Cole, Christopher Craddock, and Bruce Davies.

Left-hand page has cast biographies for Megan Follows and Allen Gilmore. Right-hand page has cast biographies for Stuart Hughes and Fredric Kakish.

Left-hand page has cast biographies for James MacDonald and Mark Meer. Right-hand page has cast biographies for Melba Montgomery, Stephen Pelinski, and Leon Pownall.

Left-hand page has cast biographies for Isobel Smith and Michael Spencer-Davis. Right-hand page has cast biographies for Jane Spidell, John Ullyatt, and William Vickers.

Left-hand page has cast biographies for William Webster and Stephanie Wolfe. Right-hand page has cast biographies for Ashley Wright and Larry Yachimec.

The left-hand page has a biography of director Michael Langham. Right-hand page has biographies of set, props, and costume designer Douglas Paraschuk and lighting designer Harry Frehner.

Périclès (play poster).jpg
Dossier pédagogique printed for the production of Périclès performed at the National Arts Centre in 1982.

Hamlet and Hamlet 1987.pdf
Tango with Death or Hamlet and Hamlet performed at the National Arts Centre

Production Photo - Leni Parker, Marcel Jeannin (Luciana and Syracuse Couch scene).jpg
This photograph was taken by Yanick Macdonald during the Montréal performance of The Comedy of Errors at Centaur Theatre Company. This picture capturesAntipholusof Syracuse (played by Marcel Jeannin) trying to court Luciana (played by Leni…
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