Shakespeare in Canada: A Cultural Map

Shakespeare in Canada: Exploring Our Cultural History through Digital Humanities

A project to create an online interactive cultural map of the presence of the Bard and the way in which his works have shaped Canadian culture.

Browse Items (363 total)

Warren Bane as Antipholous of Syracuse interacting with members of the audience in Strathcona Park, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Audio recording of the NAC French and English Theater Preview regarding Edward Atienza, the only English lead actor to play a role in the French play Périclès, staged at the National Arts Centre.

This is a typical "backstage" set up for Bear & Co productions, which is normally placed behind the audience. In this specific photograph, the props used in the Macbeth production are laid out in an easily accessible fashion for actors.

An image of the typical stage set up for Bear & Co's outdoor production. It consists of white ropes set in semi-circle along with an aisle to separate the audience from the actors, while still managing to create an intimate ambience.

The photograph shows the influence of the horror genre in creating the atmosphere of the production.

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Boar sculptures cast in bronze. Photos taken by professor Irene Makaryk in a museum in Florence, Italy.

Exhibit created for course assignment in the seminar ENG 4142 "How Shakespeare Became 'Shakespeare'". View full exhibit

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Captain Franklin, Commander of the land Arctic expedition

Photograph depicting the entire cast on stage in costume.

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atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2