EnglishLarge light blue button with design of woman in red dress holding a purple flag. In black lettering: "International Women's Day, March 5, 1983".Français
EnglishThis item consists of a yellow t-shirt with a design of three women in profile and "Women say no to racism from Toronto to South Africa" and "International Women's Day - March 8, 1986" written in green lettering.Français
EnglishThis flyer advertises an International Women's Week Dance held in Ottawa on 11 March, 1995.FrançaisCe pamphlet annonce l'organisation d'une activité dansante à l'occasion de la Journée Internationale des Femmes à Ottawa le 11 mars 1995.
EnglishThese are lyrics for a song that was sung as part of the 9th Annual International Women's Day March in Edmonton, Alberta in 1986. There is a note that instructs that it is to be "sung to the tune of "Fire's Burning".FrançaisCe document…
EnglishThis is a herstory account of International Women's Day.FrançaisCe document constitue un résumé de l'histoire de la Journée Internationale des Femmes selon la British Columbia Federation of Women.
EnglishThis item is a booklet entitled Still ain't satisfied! It contains a walking tour of downtown Toronto with profiles on locations that were seen as oppressive to women.FrançaisCe livret intitulé Still ain't satisfied! (Pas encore…
English This item is a hand drawn map of the walking tour included in Still ain't satisfied! booklet. It details a walking tour of downtown Toronto with profiles on locations that were seen as oppressive to women. FrançaisCe plan dessiné à la main…
EnglishThis is a calendar for the International Women's Week events which took place in Ottawa in March, 1995.
FrançaisCe calendrier annonce les évènements organisés à l'occasion de la Journée Internationale des Femmes à Ottawa en 1995.