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Cette petite affiche annonce la programmation d’une conférence d’Angela Davis proposée à l’occasion de la Journée International des femmes de 1985. Angela Davis fut invitée par le « Committee for March 8 » de Toronto. Angela Davis activiste et alors…

Cette photographe, du fonds L'udovit Kandra (20-003), comprend Andrej Rolík debout devant une statue de Milán R. Štefánik à [Cleveland, Ohio?), avril 1968

English Here we see the remnants of the leather straps that would have served to keep the book closed. More often than not, these fragile closures have not stood the test of time Français On voit ici un reste d’attaches qui servaient à fermer le…

ARSC_RB_JN2304. A434 1734.jpg
EnglishWho is hiding within the lines of these two portraits in pencil done by an unknown hand? Another caricature is to be found on the verso of the endpaper. While we today might not dream about doodling on the endpapers of an 18th century book,…

EnglishLike their modern cousins still available today, almanacs contained information necessary for the carrying out of many aspects of everyday life. Their biggest asset was their portability. The item held by Archives and Special Collections is in…

EnglishPublished in Paris, this work does not have an ex-libris per se, but it does have a note written on the inner cover which might offer some insight into the person that owned it. The inscription reads “Il y a deux éditions postérieures l’une…

Affiche publicitaire de la Toronto Women’s Bookstore, librairie féministe à but non lucratif.
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