English This poster was designed by Beth Foster and Pat Colp to announce various activities organized to celebrate 1981 International Women’s Day in Toronto. Français Cette affiche a été créée par Beth Foster et Pat Colp afin d’annoncer les divers…
Premier numéro du premier volume de "Our Lives". Our Lives : Canada’s first Black Women’s newspaper est un journal avait pour objectif d’être une tribune offerte aux femmes noires pour témoigner de leur quotidien, échanger leur expérience, exprimer…
EnglishThis work displays the printer’s device of Simon de Colines. De Colines (ca. 1475-1546) was active in Paris from about 1520 until his death in 1546. De Colines had actually collaborated with printer Henri Estienne (1528-1598), continuing…
EnglishThe use of marbling reaches its pinnacle with this example, with its swirling motif, which appear to be created in a “freestyle” manner. Of special note with this work is the fact that the edges of the book have been decorated using a similar…
EnglishThis shows us a variation in the rendering of roman numerals. Using a format scholar Paul Lewis calls “deep parenthesis”, an “I” flanked between by both a forward facing C and an upside down, backward facing C, would represent “1000”. And “I”…
En 1971, le livret Women and Their Bodies change de nom et s’intitule désormais Our Bodies, Ourselves. L’ouvrage est republié par la New England Free Press. Il place désormais la santé des femmes dans un contexte politique et social radicalement…
EnglishThis title by Bounhours demonstrates the reuse of the materials by bookbinders. In this particular case, a very refined and aesthetically pleasing handwriting adds to the charm of this “recycled” bookbinding. The hand is unknown; does it stem…
EnglishThe marbling technique for this decorative paper has been achieved with the use of the comb tool. The colours used are also date to the mid-19th century and are not the classic and uniform blues, reds, yellows and whites colours typical of the…
EnglishThis is a herstory account of International Women's Day.FrançaisCe document constitue un résumé de l'histoire de la Journée Internationale des Femmes selon la British Columbia Federation of Women.