The Three Penny Opera [St. Thomas University, 2009]


The Three Penny Opera [St. Thomas University, 2009]


theatre production / spectacle de théâtre|musical theatre production / spectacle de théâtre musical


Theatre St. Thomas, St. Thomas University


Black Box Theatre, 51 Dineen Drive, Fredericton, New Brunswick


2009-02-18 to 2009-02-21 [performances]


Gay, John; author/auteur. | Hauptmann, Elisabeth; author/auteur.
Weill, Kurt; compos.
Silk, Ilkay; dir./metteur en scène
Doherty, Mike; dir. music.
Toye, Sheila; sets/scénogr.
Quinn, Mary; costumes
Butler, Jennifer April; lighting/éclairage
Daley, Meredith; lighting operator | Hines, Matt; assistant director | Keenan, Mary; assistant stage manager, props designer | Laffoley, Crystal; stage manager | MacPhee, Trin; follow spot operator | Moss, Stephen; photographer | Ryder, Katlyn; assistant set designer | Saad, Chris; technical director | Young, Jill; assistant stage manager
Breen, Tania; act. (role: Jenny) | Brennan, Patrick; act. (role: Reverend Kimball) | Connolly, Patrick; act. (role: Crookfinger Jake) | Christensen, Robyn; act. (role: Molly) | Creagh, Thomas; act. (role: Cops/Beggars/Street People) | Den Otter, Lieneke; act. (role: Cops/Beggars/Street People) | Dingle, Jeff; act. (role: Mr. J.J. Peachum) | Ford, Allan; act. (role: Cops/Beggars/Street People) | Goodwin, Matt; act. (role: Tiger Brown (Commissioner of Police) | Higle, Carolyn; act. (role: Coaxer) | Hines, Matt; act. (role: Walt Dreary) | Kelly, Emily; act. (role: Cops/Beggars/Street People) | Kinney, Lee; act. (role: MacHeath (Mack the Knife) | Knowles, Angela; act. (role: Polly Peachum) | Kwan, Frances; act. (role: Dolly) | Luff, Ruthie; act. (role: Lucy Brown) | MacLennan, Tyler; act. (role: Constable) | Martin, Jacob; act. (role: Filch) | McCain, Alex; act. (role: Bob The Saw) | McCain, Brian; act. (role: Street Singer) | McDaniel, Bryan; act. (role: Smith (Warden) | McVicar, Jennifer; act. (role: Mrs. Peachum) | Sotvedt, Sarah; act. (role: Cops/Beggars/Street People) | Strong, Alex; act. (role: Readymoney Matt) | Ugursal, Yasemin; act. (role: Betty)
Brophy, Ken; musician/musicien. (trumpet) | Gallant, Jeannine; musician/musicien. (trombone) | Hansen, Garry; musician/musicien. (guitar, banjo) | Harrison, Greg; musician/musicien. (percussion) | Murphy, Anne Marie; musician/musicien. (piano, harmonium, celesta) | Robinson, Matte; musician/musicien. (trumpet) | Vipond, Doug; musician/musicien. (alto saxophone, clarinet) | Waterhouse, Kelly; musician/musicien. (clarinet)


lang.: English / anglais


Brecht work(s)/oeuvre(s): Die Dreigroschenoper


Event Announcement, Theatre St. Thomas,
Catalog.: Annika Sauer, University of Ottawa



Gay, John; author/auteur. | Hauptmann, Elisabeth; author/auteur. et al., “The Three Penny Opera [St. Thomas University, 2009],” Brecht in/au Canada, accessed July 1, 2024,

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