Red Mother [touring production, 2002-2011]


Red Mother [touring production, 2002-2011]


theatre production / spectacle de théâtre


Indigenous Performance Initiatives | Loose Change Productions | Native Earth Performing Arts | Playwrights' Workshop Montreal | Spiderwoman Theater | Trent University | Two Spirit Productions


multiple locations / lieux multiples


2002-04 [conceptualization, Banff, Alberta]; 2003-02 [writing, Montreal, Quebec]; 2003-03 [structural exploration, San Diego, USA]; 2003-10 [writing, Toronto, Ontario]; 2004-04 [working on structure, New York City, USA]; 2006-06 [completion of production draft, Galiano Island, British Columbia]; 2006-10 [laboratory workshops, Vancouver, British Columbia]; 2007-06 [development workshops, New York City, USA]; 2007-11-01 to 2007-11-04 [production workshop, Peterborough, Ontario]; 2008-02 [workshop performance, Washington, D.C., USA]; 2010-05-27 to 2010-06-06 [world premiere and performances, New York City, USA]; 2011-11 [Canadian premiere, Peterborough, Ontario]


Miguel, Muriel; author/auteur. | Steffin, Margarete; author/auteur.
Miguel, Muriel; adapt.
Wallace, Russell; compos.
Borst, Murielle; dir./metteur en scène
Borst, Murielle; choreogr./chorégr.
Plunkett, Christine; sets/scénogr.
Plunkett, Christine; costumes
White, Don; lighting/éclairage
Bear Witness; video developer | Clements, Marie; dramaturge | Danckert, Paula; dramaturge | Hinton, Peter; dramaturge
Miguel, Muriel; act. (role: Belle)


lang.: English / anglais


Brecht work(s)/oeuvre(s): Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder
Occasion: Weesageechak Begins to Dance|Heart of the City Festival
Muriel Miguel conceived of this single-actor adaptation of "Mutter Courage" in response to the workshop "An Aboriginal Journey with Brecht" (30 April - 27 May 2002) at the Banff Centre, Alberta. She then developed and performed the production between 2003 and 2011 in a number of locations the United States and in Canada, including Nozhem First Peoples Performance Space at Trent University, the Heart of the City Festival in Vancouver, and the Weesageechak Begins to Dance festival held by Native Earth Performing Arts in Toronto.


Carter, Jill. “Kicking the Heroin Habit: Memorializing the Survivance Skirmishes and Little Victories of the Merely Mortal Women Who Fought Them.” Solo Performance, edited by Jenn Stephenson. Playwrights Canada Press, 2011, pp. 191-199.
Esleben, Joerg and Ecem Yucel. “Indigenous Theatre meets Brecht in Sucker Falls and Red Mother.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, June 2019.
Esleben, Joerg. “Brechtian Theatre in Canada between Domestication and Alienation.” Congress of the International Brecht Society, Leipzig, Germany, June 2019.
“LaMaMa presents the premiere of Red Mother.” Press release, LaMaMa Theatre, New York City, 2010. URL: Accessed 12 June 2019.
Red Mother. Touring Brochure by Spiderwoman Theater, 2013. Accessed 7 May 2019.
Catalog.: Joerg Esleben, University of Ottawa


Citer ce document

Miguel, Muriel; author/auteur. | Steffin, Margarete; author/auteur. et al., “Red Mother [touring production, 2002-2011],” Brecht in/au Canada, consulté le 28 septembre 2024,

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