Christina Rossetti In Music

Christina Rossetti in Music Project

"A Christmas Carol" [Henry Bird Collins]


"A Christmas Carol" [Henry Bird Collins]
First line of lyrics: In the bleak mid-winter


Collins, Henry Bird; music (English, 1870-1941)
Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894)


1900 [copyright] [publication: other version 1]; 1903 [publication]


London: Houghton & Co.


genre: carol|art song (lied)|Christmas music|song|sacred music
solo: voice
instrumentation: piano
initial sharps/flats: five flats
initial time signature: 3/4
other version 1 - solo: low voice
origin: United Kingdom
male composer




Rossetti poem(s): "A Christmas Carol" ("In the bleak mid-winter")
Composition history: The score indicates that “the words are printed by kind permission of Messrs Mcmillan & Co.” Ives notes that "Although Holst’s setting in The English Hymnal (1906) is often assumed to be the first setting of the poem, Holst was preceded by Collins, whose setting was also published in The Vocalist (Dec. 1903)" (DM288). The setting's appearance in “The Vocalist” was not the first printing of Collins’ “A Christmas Carol.” The editor’s note in “The Vocalist” states that the song “has already made its appearance in an album, where it was published in a low key” ("From the Editor" 258).
Tempo markings: "Allegretto"
Notes: The song begins in B flat major and modulates to the key of B flat major in the final verses.


Format 1: musical score
4 pages


In reference to the published works below: Gooch and Thatcher 4288; Ives DM173
Reference: Gooch, Bryan N.S. and David S. Thatcher. Musical Settings of Early and Mid-Victorian Literature: A Catalogue. New York: Garland, 1979.
Reference: Ives, Maura. Christina Rossetti: A Descriptive Bibliography. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2011.
Other data reference(s): "From the Editor." The Vocalist, No. 72, December 1903, 258-259.
Cataloguer: Emily McConkey, University of Ottawa
musical score: "A Christmas Carol." The Vocalist, No. 72, December 1903, 267-270. University of Victoria Library, Victoria.


Opus: 14, number 2
Record: CRM-christmascarolinthebleak-collins
File(s): CRM-christmascarolinthebleak-collins.pdf


"Copyright by Houghton & Co. 1900"
The Christina Rossetti in Music project website is hosted in Canada at the University of Ottawa Library, and we aim to comply with Canadian copyright laws. If you believe we have violated Canadian copyright law, please contact us at The Christina Rossetti in Music project is strictly not for profit and intended for research and educational purposes only.




Collins, Henry Bird; music (English, 1870-1941) and Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894), “"A Christmas Carol" [Henry Bird Collins],” Christina Rossetti In Music, accessed January 22, 2025,