"By the Waters of Babylon" [Simon A. Sargon]
"By the Waters of Babylon" [Simon A. Sargon]
First line of lyrics: By the waters of Babylon
Part of: "Bitter for Sweet"
Sargon, Simon A.; music (American, born in India, 1938)
Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894)
2000 [copyright]
genre: song|song cycle
solo: low voice
instrumentation: piano
initial sharps/flats: five flats
initial time signature: 5/4
origin: United States
male composer
Rossetti poem(s): "'By the waters of Babylon'"
Place in the larger work: The sixth song of six in the song cycle called "Bitter for Sweet," settings of Christina Rossetti, which includes 1. "Sound Sleep"; 2. "Wrestling"; 3. Bitter for Sweet"; 4. "Song"; 5. "Holy Innocents"; 6. "By the Waters of Babylon."
Tempo markings: "Sadly, mournfully"; quarter note = 54
Format 1: musical score
8 pages
Cataloguer: Emily McConkey, University of Ottawa
musical score: New York Public Library, New York
Record: CRM-bythewaters-sargon
"© Copyright 2000 by Simon A. Sargon Dallas, Texas 75201 All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A."
The Christina Rossetti in Music project website is hosted in Canada at the University of Ottawa Library, and we aim to comply with Canadian copyright laws. If you believe we have violated Canadian copyright law, please contact us at christinarossettimusic@uottawa.ca. The Christina Rossetti in Music project is strictly not for profit and intended for research and educational purposes only.
Sargon, Simon A.; music (American, born in India, 1938) and Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894), “"By the Waters of Babylon" [Simon A. Sargon],” Christina Rossetti In Music, accessed January 19, 2025, http://omeka.uottawa.ca/christinarossettiinmusic/items/show/1891.
Item Relations
Item: "Sound Sleep" [Simon A. Sargon] | is part of a larger work that also includes | This Item |
Item: "Wrestling" [Simon A. Sargon] | is part of a larger work that also includes | This Item |
Item: "Bitter For Sweet" [Simon A. Sargon] | is part of a larger work that also includes | This Item |
Item: "Song" [Simon A. Sargon] | is part of a larger work that also includes | This Item |
Item: "Holy Innocents" [Simon A. Sargon] | is part of a larger work that also includes | This Item |