"My Love is Come" [Theo Marzials]
"My Love is Come" [Theo Marzials]
First line of lyrics: My heart is like a singing bird
Marzials, Theo [Theophile Jules Henri]; music (English 1850-1920)
Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894)
1881 [composition] [publication]
London, New York: Boosey & Co.; New York: C. H. Ditson & Co.; Sydney: W. H. Paling & Co.
genre: song
solo: voice
instrumentation: piano
initial sharps/flats: two sharps
initial time signature: 4/4
origin: United Kingdom
male composer
Rossetti poem(s): "A Birthday"
Composition history: "In September 1881, Marzials and 'Mrs. Moncrieff' had apparently written to [Christina Rossetti] regarding a setting of the poem. However, it is unclear from [Rossetti's] response whether Marzials was setting the poem by himself, or with (or for), Moncrieff, herself a singer and composer who published her own setting in 1882" (Ives DM41).
Tempo markings: "Allegro Appassionata"
Performance history: "Among the most popular Rossetti settings, frequently reprinted in Britain, the United States, and Australia, and frequently performed. Announcements or reviews of public performances appeared in the Academy (7 July 1883: 17); the Musical Standard (7 April 1883: 207); the Musical World (30 June 1888: 516); and the London Times (4 October 1897: 1)" (Ives DM41).
Dedication: "To Edward Morton"
Notes: Available in two keys "No. 1 in C" and "No. 2 in D". "My Love Is Come" was very popular, and was republished many times; Ives lists seven republishings in London, New York, Sydney, and Boston before 1900 (Ives DM41).
Format 1: musical score
5 pages
In reference to the published works below: Ives DM41; Gooch and Thatcher 4225
Reference: Ives, Maura. Christina Rossetti: A Descriptive Bibliography. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2011.
Reference: Gooch, Bryan N.S. and David S. Thatcher. Musical Settings of Early and Mid-Victorian Literature: A Catalogue. New York: Garland, 1979.
Cataloguer: Sarah Pennington, University of Ottawa
musical score in D: National Library of Australia, https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/1565719. Accessed 28 Nov. 2016.
Record: CRM-birthday-marzials
File(s): CRM-birthday-marzials.pdf
The Christina Rossetti in Music project website is hosted in Canada at the University of Ottawa Library, and we aim to comply with Canadian copyright laws. If you believe we have violated Canadian copyright law, please contact us at christinarossettimusic@uottawa.ca. The Christina Rossetti in Music project is strictly not for profit and intended for research and educational purposes only.
Marzials, Theo [Theophile Jules Henri]; music (English 1850-1920) and Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894), “"My Love is Come" [Theo Marzials],” Christina Rossetti In Music, accessed November 17, 2024, http://omeka.uottawa.ca/christinarossettiinmusic/items/show/2115.