Christina Rossetti In Music

Christina Rossetti in Music Project

"Songs of Love and Longing" [Holly Harris]


"Songs of Love and Longing" [Holly Harris]
First line of lyrics: You are so beautiful


Harris, Holly; music (Canadian, active since 1999)
Rossetti, Christina Georgina (English, 1830-1894)
Harris, Holly; adapted text (Canadian). Arnold, Matthew; text (English, 1822-1888). Anonymous; text (Japanese).


1999 April [composition]


genre: song|choral music
chorus: SATB chorus
instrumentation: piano
initial sharps/flats: one flat
initial time signature: 4/4
origin: Canada
female composer




Rossetti poem(s): "Mirage"|"Echo"|"Remember"|"A Birthday"|"Monna Innominata"
Work contains multiple Christina Rossetti texts
Work contains texts by multiple authors
Notes about the text: The setting includes adaptations of the following texts: "The Songs of Solomon" (Chapters 1 and 2); "Monna Innominata (titled "The First Day" in Harris' work)," "Remember," "Mirage," "Echo," "A Birthday" (Christina Rossetti); "Longing" (Matthew Arnold); "Lady Heguri" (Anonymous, Japenese). Harris sets and significantly adapts the second sonnet in "Monna Innominata" (pp. 3-5), the first stanza of "A Birthday (pp. 7-14), and only a few lines from "Echo" (pp. 15-21), "Mirage" (pp. 17-18), and "Remember" (pp. 19-20). From "Echo" Harris adapts the lines "Come to me in the silence of the night" and "Yet come to me in dreams, that I may live." From "Mirage" she adapts the lines "The hope I dreamed of was a dream, / Was but a dream." From "Remember" she adapts the first line, "Remember me when I am gone away." These lines are adapted, repeated, and interwoven among each other by the composer.
Composition history: "Commissioned by The Winnipeg Singers with assistance from the Manitoba Arts Council"
Tempo markings: "Expressively"; quarter note = 112
Dedication: "For the Winnipeg Singers"


Format 1: musical score
22 pages


Cataloguer: Arianne Zamin, Sarah Pennington, Katherine Rainville and Emily McConkey, University of Ottawa
musical score: University of Manitoba Libraries, Winnipeg


Record: CRM-monnainnominata-harris


The Christina Rossetti in Music project website is hosted in Canada at the University of Ottawa Library, and we aim to comply with Canadian copyright laws. If you believe we have violated Canadian copyright law, please contact us at The Christina Rossetti in Music project is strictly not for profit and intended for research and educational purposes only.





Harris, Holly; music (Canadian, active since 1999) , Rossetti, Christina Georgina (English, 1830-1894), and Harris, Holly; adapted text (Canadian). Arnold, Matthew; text (English, 1822-1888). Anonymous; text (Japanese)., “"Songs of Love and Longing" [Holly Harris],” Christina Rossetti In Music, accessed May 21, 2024,