Christina Rossetti In Music

Christina Rossetti in Music Project

"The Song of October" [Catharine A. Ranken]


"The Song of October" [Catharine A. Ranken]
First line of lyrics: Crack your first nut and light your first fire
Part of: "Twelve Songs from The Months, A Pageant, Poetry by Christina Rossetti"


Ranken, Catharine Adelaide; music (English, 1841-1918)
Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894)


1882 [publication]


London: Duncan Davison & Co.


genre: song|song cycle
solo: voice
instrumentation: piano
initial sharps/flats: four sharps
initial time signature: 6/8
origin: United Kingdom
female composer




Rossetti poem(s): "The Months: A Pageant"
Place in the larger work: The tenth song of twelve in the song cycle called "Twelve Songs from The Months, A Pageant, Poetry by Christina Rossetti," setting of Christina Rossetti's "The Months: A Pageant." The songs in include 1. "The Song of January"; 2. "The Song of February"; 3. "The Song of March"; 4. "The Song of April"; 5. "The Song of May"; 6. "The Song of June"; 7. "The Song of July"; 8. "The Song of August"; 9. "The Song of September"; 10. "The Song of October"; 11. "The Song of November"; 12. "The Song of December".
Notes about the text: This song is a setting of the second part of the "October" personification, lines 264-273.
Composition history: "By permission of Messrs. Macmillan & Co."
Tempo markings: "Allegretto giojoso"
Dedication: "Dedicated to Mrs. Dymond."
Notes: In a review in "The Musical World", 30 December 1882, p. 819 (Ives DM47), the composer is referred to as simply C. A. Rankin and presumed to be a man.


Format 1: musical score
3 pages (pp. 28-30)


In reference to the published works below: Ives DM47
Reference: Ives, Maura. Christina Rossetti: A Descriptive Bibliography. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2011.
Other data reference(s): Record for "Twelve Songs, from the Months, a Pageant, Poetry by C. Rossetti." WorldCat, Accessed 28 March 2022.
Cataloguer: Emma-Catherine Wilson and Roxanne Lafleur, University of Ottawa
Musical score: British Library, London


Record: CRM-monthsapageant-ranken-10
File(s): CRM-monthsapageant-ranken-10.pdf


The Christina Rossetti in Music project website is hosted in Canada at the University of Ottawa Library, and we aim to comply with Canadian copyright laws. If you believe we have violated Canadian copyright law, please contact us at The Christina Rossetti in Music project is strictly not for profit and intended for research and educational purposes only.




Ranken, Catharine Adelaide; music (English, 1841-1918) and Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894), “"The Song of October" [Catharine A. Ranken],” Christina Rossetti In Music, accessed September 20, 2024,

Item Relations

This Item is part of a larger work that also includes Item: "The Song of November" [Catharine A. Ranken]
This Item is part of a larger work that also includes Item: "The Song of December" [Catharine A. Ranken]
Item: "The Song of January" [Catharine A. Ranken] is part of a larger work that also includes This Item
Item: "The Song of February" [Catharine A. Ranken] is part of a larger work that also includes This Item
Item: "The Song of March" [Catharine A. Ranken] is part of a larger work that also includes This Item
Item: "The Song of April" [Catharine A. Ranken] is part of a larger work that also includes This Item
Item: "The Song of May" [Catharine A. Ranken] is part of a larger work that also includes This Item
Item: "The Song of June" [Catharine A. Ranken] is part of a larger work that also includes This Item
Item: "The Song of August" [Catharine A. Ranken] is part of a larger work that also includes This Item
Item: "The Song of September" [Catharine A. Ranken] is part of a larger work that also includes This Item