Christina Rossetti In Music

Christina Rossetti in Music Project

Rossetti Fragments [David Hamilton]


Rossetti Fragments [David Hamilton]
First line of lyrics: Where are the songs I used to know


Hamilton, David; music (New Zealand, born 1955)
Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894)


1991 [composition]; 2008 [revised version]


David Hamilton


genre: choral music|song
chorus: SATB chorus
instrumentation: orchestra|concert band
initial sharps/flats: one sharp
initial time signature: 4/4
origin: New Zealand
male composer




Rossetti poem(s): "The Key-Note"|"'What good shall my life do me?'" ("No hope in life; yet there is hope")|"Another Spring"
Work contains multiple Christina Rossetti texts
Notes about the text: This song is a setting of fragments of three poems. In order, the lyrics include the three first lines of poem "The Key-Note", the last 2 stanzas (17-18) (ll. 49-54) of poem "'What good shall my life do me?'" ("No hope in life; yet there is hope"), where"that others" was added in line 53 of the poem: "Behold your lives [that others] may kindle too;" and the last 5 lines [ll. 20-24] of the poem "Another Spring", where the word "Spring" was replaced by "day."
Composition history: "Commissioned by the Hamilton Music School in 1991 with funding from Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council (now Creative New Zealand) and the Composers Foundation (APRA)" The work "was intended for the entire school to perform: choir, orchestra and symphonic band members. The scoring has some degree of flexibility as I could not be sure in advance who I was writing for. A planned performance of the work at the Bay of Plenty Music School in early 2008, prompted a revision of the work (and the opportunity to put it onto computer). An additional stanza was also added to the second text." ("Rossetti Fragments")
Tempo markings: quarter note = "138 With a strong rhythmic pulse"
Performance instructions: "The piece divides into three sections following the divisions of the text, and begins with an introductory section for the orchestra. The music of the opening choral section returns in a slightly modified form as the final section." ("Rossetti Fragments")
Performance history: Premiered on 25 August 1991 by participants at the Hamilton Music School. The revised version was performed on 27 Apr 2008, Bay of Plenty (BOP) Music School Final Concert. ("Rossetti Fragments")


Format 1: musical score
25 pages; performance time 7 minutes and 15 seconds


Other data reference(s): "Rossetti Fragments." Sounz: Centre for New Zealand Music, Accessed 7 March 2023.
Cataloguer: Mary Arseneau and Roxanne Lafleur, University of Ottawa
Musical score: David Hamilton


Record: CRM-keynote-hamilton
File(s): CRM-keynote-hamilton.pdf


"Copyright © David Hamilton 2008." All rights reserved. The score appears in this archive by kind permission of composer David Hamilton.
The Christina Rossetti in Music project website is hosted in Canada at the University of Ottawa Library, and we aim to comply with Canadian copyright laws. If you believe we have violated Canadian copyright law, please contact us at The Christina Rossetti in Music project is strictly not for profit and intended for research and educational purposes only.




Hamilton, David; music (New Zealand, born 1955) and Rossetti, Christina Georgina; text (English, 1830-1894), “Rossetti Fragments [David Hamilton],” Christina Rossetti In Music, accessed September 19, 2024,