

About Methodology Using the Database Sources

The Campbell Scientific (Canada) Snow Sensor - A white box with metallic components

Precision Instrument Culture in Canada is a database containing information on over 450 Canadian makers, sellers, repairers and researchers whose work focused on the production or sale of precision or scientific equipment and tools. Browse Database

The database was developed in 2023-2024 as a research project funded by the Ingenium Research Institute, at Ingenium, Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation.

The database connects Canada's precision technology companies, individuals or government agencies with surviving examples of the things they made, designed or sold that are currently held in Ingenium’s collection. These can be found through the database or by browsing the Artifacts Collection.

Using the Database

Each maker in the database indicates a different entity known to be connected to the manufacture, repair, sale or design of scientific or precision equipment. The name of the entity, dates it is known to be active, location, types of activity, and other information are listed on each page. Information is provided as a starting point, and is not complete—the database is intended a work in process!

Read more about the research used to create the database and how to understand the information it contains.

Maker Histories

This site also features twenty histories, each one featuring the story and significance of a Canadian precision technology maker--from clockmaker Joseph Roper of St John's to Campbell Scientific (Canada) of Edmonton, producer of instruments which collect and store data in the harshest of Canadian environments. These are divided into three eras:

Before 1918


After 1945