Cossor (Canada) Ltd.


Cossor (Canada) Ltd.
Hermes Electronics Ltd.
Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems



Begin Date


Active Until



301 Windsor St., Halifax, NS (1954, 1956)
40 Atlantic Street, Dartmouth, NS (2024)

Product Areas

Maritime Detection Equipment




- 1947 – Company is founded as Cossor (Canada) Ltd. (“Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems”)

- 1954 – Active at 301 Windsor St., Halifax, NS; 758 Victoria Sq., Montreal, QC, 648A Yonge St., Toronto, ON. Advertising oscilloscopes in Electronics and Communications; also attended the IRE Annual Convention in New York this year. “Notably, we displayed oscilloscopes designed and manufactured in Canada; specialized deflection coils for special radar displays of which we have pioneered in both Canada and the United States and last but not least, the V.H.F. transmitter which we have supplied quantity to the Department of Transport for use on the airways in Canada as the main ground/air V.H.F. transmitter.” (“Oscilloscopes”; “Letters to the Editor”)

- 1956, Dec. – Active with head office at 301 Windsor St., Halifax, NS. Advertising “Cossor-Sanders Precision Microwave Test Equipment”, “Designed expressly for precision measurements to the most exacting specifications…” Company has branches in Ottawa (160 Laurier St. W.), Montreal (8230 Mayrand St., Decarie Boulevard), Toronto (648A Yonge St.). (““Cossor-Sanders Precision Microwave Test Equipment”)

- 1959 - Active, selling Sonobuoys. (“Sonobuoy AN/SSQ – 2B MOD. 9…”)

- 1970–1974 – Company name is changed to Hermes Electronics Ltd. (Clarke, “Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems”)

- 1995 – Purchased by U.K. company Ultra Electronics. (Clarke, “Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems”)

- 2002 – Name changed to “Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems.” (Clarke, “Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems”)

- 2020 – Company active and supplying to “countries like the Netherlands, Australia, the UK, New Zealand, South Korea, India and many others.” (Clarke, “Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems”)

- 2023 – Active, located at 40 Atlantic Street, Dartmouth, NS. Supplies military maritime submarine-detection equipment such as sonobuoys and fulfilling other maritime defence contracts. (“Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems”)


Clarke, H. L. “Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems keeping the world safer through sound” Saltwire, January 23, 2020 ( [20/09/23]

Cossor (Canada) Limited “Sonobuoy AN/SSQ – 2B MOD. 9 Modification – Production Manual” March 1959. Ingenium Library Trade Literature Collection, MARIN C8365 3001 1959.

“Cossor-Sanders Precision Microwave Test Equipment” Electronics and Communications – 1957 Directory and Buyer’s Guide (Dec. 1956): 5. (

“Oscilloscopes”; “Letters to the Editor” Electronics and Communications – Directory and Buyer’s Guide (July-August 1954): 14, 54. (

“Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems” ( [28-10-24]



“Cossor (Canada) Ltd.,” Precision Instrument Culture in Canada, accessed March 15, 2025,

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