Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Browse Items (8 total)

A stone engraving of Samuel Lount, rebel leader during the Upper Canada Rebellion

A photograph of William Lyon Mackenzie, key figure of the Upper Canada Rebellion

A sketch of the Battle of Montgomery's Tavern which shows the tavern's destruction

Bloor Toll.jpg
A sketch of the Bloor and Yonge Toll Booth, which was a prominent meeting spot for the rebels.

A portrait of John Powell, an alderman of Toronto during the Upper Canada Rebellion

Death of Colonel Moodie.jpg
A sketch of Colonel Moodie's death during the Upper Canada Rebellion which also shows a detailed image of Montgomery's Tavern

David Gibson Image.jpg
A reproduced image of David Gibson, an Upper Canadian whose residence was visited by William Lyon Mackenzie during the Upper Canada Rebellion

Labled Map of Toronto.tif
A contemporary map of Toronto in 1837. Includes Toronto and surrounding villages
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