Digital History - Histoire Numérique

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For Your Throat 2.jpg
That only a light smoke offers -advertisement focusing on the protection of the throat -Lucky Strike endorsement

For Your Throat 3.jpg
Margaret Matzenauer -star of the Metropolitan Opera Company -endorsing the brand

For Your Throat 4.jpg
Helen Jepson the prima donna of the Metropolitan Opera holds that Luckies are the best for your throat

For Your Throat 5.jpg
Constance Bennett endorsement of Lucky Strike cigarettes on the basis of throat protection

Celebrity Endorsement 3.jpg
Claudette Colbert celebrity endorsement of Luckies

Love and Femininity 1.jpg
Image of bride in wedding dress smoking Luckies to represent purity and modernity

Love and Femininity 2.jpg
Image of woman in evening gown, meant to depict purity and modernity, the smoke is forming a ring shape.

Love and Femininity 3.jpg
Woman sitting with man, smoke encircling both people, while she is toying with it with her finger. Meant to look sensual and promote Lucky Strike cigarettes

Love and Femininity 4.jpg
Woman and Man leaning in towards one another, while the man plays a banjo and smokes a Lucky Strike cigarette.

Love and Feminity 5.jpg
Picture of woman smoking with man, standing in a doorway, what appears to be her place, while the man is casually chatting with her. The overall purpose is to endorse Lucky Strike by implying that they are good enough to have more than one
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