Digital History - Histoire Numérique

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Reach for a Lucky 8.jpg
Advertisement targeting weight loss, endorsement given by Lady Grace Drummond Hay.

Reach for a Lucky 9.jpg
Advertisement with endorsement from star, Betty Compson. Has information on propaganda.

Reach for a Lucky 10.jpg
Advertisement with information reading Insidious Falsehoods- Boomerangs.

Future Shadow 1.jpg
Focused on avoiding the future shadow, and refraining from eating sweets or too much food, instead encouraging nicotine consumption.

Future Shadow 2.jpg
When tempted, reach for a lucky, focuses on promoting weight loss and avoiding temptation by smoking.

Future Shadow 3.jpg
Avoid that future shadow by refraining from overindulgence.

Future Shadow 4.jpg
Avoid that future shadow, quote from John Greenleaf.

Future Shadow 5.jpg
Avoid that future shadow, focuses on worry about what figure will look like if continue to overeat.

Future Shadow 6.jpg
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow quote used to promote weight loss through smoking

Future Shadow 8.jpg
Carry on -avoid that future shadow. Targeting young women to be healthier and slim by smoking
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