Digital History - Histoire Numérique

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1919 - Dorothy Stevens

This 19th-century farmhouse is the birthplace of the Women's Institutes (WI), an organization that played a vital role in thousands of small communities. Inspired by domestic science reformer Adelaide Hoodless, and supported by her husband Erland,…

"Bronze sculpture by Florence Wyle depicting a female munitions worker. One of Canada's premier sculptors, Wyle was one of four female artists commissioned by the Canadian War Memorials Fund to document activity on the home front during the war."

""This painting by George Reid depicts women working in a factory. Of the almost 300,000 factory workers engaged in war production in 1917, approximately one in eight were women.""

first national bank.jpg
Ad in the 1907 Alexandria City Directory for First National Bank

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Ad for the Carlin-Hulfish Company, established 1844. The company deals in wholesale hardware goods.

Ad for Henry Baader & Son's published in the 1907 Alexandria City Directory. The store sells a variety of items such as stoves, tin, sheet iron, furs, skins, and hides.

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An ad for the DeWilton Aitcheson Headquarters for Coal and Wood from the 1907 Alexandria City Directory


Juliette Binoche in Costume, photograph by Brigitte Lacombe, 1995.png
"Nurses too became shell-shocked from the dying around them. Or from something as small as a letter. They would carry a severed arm down a hall, or swab at blood that never stopped, as if the wound were a well, and they began to believe in nothing,…
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