Digital History - Histoire Numérique

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This is the chronological school narrative from the school's beginning to closing, including incidents of alleged abuse.

PDF document of a chronological order of the narrative of the school, including incidents and complaints.

Statement of Darlene Kappo, National Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Alberta, Slave Lake Hearing, Alberta Hearings – Sharing Panel, SP118, accessed March 31, 2017.

A news article describing the story of Willie Blackwater, who began the resistance against abusive authority in the schools.

Describes region where the 44th Battalion was situated in May 1917.

This site contains listing of IRS per province/territory, the primary source documents, and school narratives for each.
As well, it contains the oral testimonies taken by survivors.

The legally binding settlement agreement between First Nations IRS school survivors and the federal government of Canada. It also includes all of the Court documents and Appeals and decisions rendered in the case(s).

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