Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Browse Items (686 total)

Ad for Henry Baader & Son's published in the 1907 Alexandria City Directory. The store sells a variety of items such as stoves, tin, sheet iron, furs, skins, and hides.

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Exterior of the Henry K Field & Co industrial complex. The company includes a lumber yard, a door, sash, and blind factory, and a portion dedicated to transporting ship lumber and related supplies. Over 40 men worked at the company.

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Exterior of Henry Kirk and Son's wholesale grocery store.

Light Smoke 5.jpg
Carole Lombard prefers luckies because they are easier on her throat -endorsement for the brand

For Your Throat 1.jpg
Dolores Del Rio tells why it is good business for her to smoke Luckies, talks about the throat and insurance

Light Smoke 4.jpg
Madeleine Carroll endorsing lucky strike brand, shows picture of her in pink, wearing a hat, promoting the lightness of the smoke and to protect your throat

herbert bryant home.png
Exterior of Herbert Bryant's home. Bryant was the president of Bryant Fertilizer Company.

herodotus crystalinkscom.jpg

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