In the 1896 Eaton's catalogues there are no advertisements for fanning mills, either hand or machine powered, motors, either gas or electric, and nothing for power tools. This catalogue illustrates that in 1896 the technological advancements had not…
Showcased on page 358 in Eaton's Fall and Winter Catalog of 1918-1919 are women veils and scarfs of various types and styles. Item: BF181 "Mourning Veiling" at 0.30 cents.
Tags:1918Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada 1919Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada CanadaDigital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Eaton's CatalogueDigital History, Digital Humanities, Canada FashionDigital History, Digital Humanities, Canada MourningDigital History, Digital Humanities, Canada VeilsDigital History, Digital Humanities, Canada women
"Nurses too became shell-shocked from the dying around them. Or from something as small as a letter. They would carry a severed arm down a hall, or swab at blood that never stopped, as if the wound were a well, and they began to believe in nothing,…