Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Browse Items (686 total)

Canadians preparing for evacuation from Beirut courtesy of City News

City Map of St. John's 1932

A fisherman displaying the first squid of the season caught off Carbonear, Newfoundland. This fish is valuable as bait for cod.

Death of Colonel Moodie.jpg
A sketch of Colonel Moodie's death during the Upper Canada Rebellion which also shows a detailed image of Montgomery's Tavern

A fires insurance map of the Lebreton Flats area of Ottaw circa. 1912.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada


Samia Abdullah with a picture of her her brother, Emad Abdullah who disappeared during the Lebanese civil war.​ (Courtesy of Samia Abdullah)
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atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2