Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Browse Items (686 total)

Returned Soldiers Handbook.png

the civilian (1).png
A special issue of the Civilian printed in 1916 on the First World War.

the civilian (3).png

38th Battalion.gif

Manly MacDonald Farmerettes painting war museum.jpg
"This painting by Manly MacDonald was created for the Canadian War Memorials Fund, an organization established to document Canada's First World War effort. In this painting, MacDonald depicts farmerettes in the Niagara Region. There was no uniform…

ATLA American Federation of Labor.png

ATLA American Federation of Labor.png

Cente Block 1901 LAC.jpg
Centre Block Parliament March, 1901 - Draped for death of Queen Victoria

EB Eddy Sawmill.jpg

william smoot home.png
Exterior of William B Smoot's home. Smoot was the president of C C Smoot & Co, a tannery.
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