Digital History - Histoire Numérique

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s f dyson and bro.png
Exterior of S F Dyson and Bro's books stationary store

Saint Charbel Annual Family Gathering Promotional Flyer

A stone engraving of Samuel Lount, rebel leader during the Upper Canada Rebellion


“Searching for potatoes is one of the occupations of those who cannot obtain out-door relief. It is gleaning in a potato-field– and how few are left after the potatoes are dug, must be known to every one who has ever seen the field cleared. What the…

second preysbeterian.jpg
Exterior of Alexandria's Second Presbyterian Church, the dominant Presbyterian church in Alexandria after the original Old Presbyterian Church closed in 1899.

war hoarding 1.jpg

Covers Grid 36c SW which includes Vimy, Lens, and other small communes and hamlets in the area
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