Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Browse Items (686 total)

alexandria national bank.png
Exterior of the Alexandria National Bank, established 1904

alexandria light infantry.png
Company photo outside the Alexandria Light Infantry building

alexandria iron works.png
Exterior of the Alexandria Iron Works

alexandria hospital.png
Exterior of the Alexandria Hospital, established in 1872 by miss julia johns, governed by a board of lady managers and supported by contributions from various churches and benevolent associations

alexandria gazette.png
Exterior of the Alexandria Gazette offices, editor Hubert Snowden

alexandria elks lodge.png
Interior of Alexandria Elks Lodge #758 meeting house

city hall.png
Exterior of the historic Alexandria City Hall

History and career of Indigenous artist, Alex Janvier. A positive story for an IRS survivor.

Positive experience of IRS, given the opportunity to be come an artist.

Statement of Darlene Kappo, National Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Alberta, Slave Lake Hearing, Alberta Hearings – Sharing Panel, SP118, accessed March 31, 2017.
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