Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Browse Items (686 total)

94 Lloyd, late 1950s.jpg
A black and white photograph of a father and his two sons in their car parked out front of their house.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

Albert and Empress, 1954.jpg
A black and white photograph of 4 dingy looking dwelling buildings, the ones in the foreground appear to be in slightly better condition than those more towards the left.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

A fires insurance map of the Lebreton Flats area of Ottaw circa. 1912.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

This narrative history of Shingwauk is from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. It discusses a timeline of events, as well as different members of the staff at the school at the time.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

This image shows a group of girls doing some baking at Shingwauk.

This image dating to around 1954 shows a group of senior students on the steps of Shingwauk.

This is a collection of documents, such as newspaper articles, and other elements relating to Shingwauk

Container ID: 10a-c000009

School: Grouard School
Language: French

13a-c002154-d0014-001_St. Peter's 1917.pdf

Container ID: 13a-c002154
Document ID: 13a-c002154-d0014-001
Document Date: [between 1917-1922]
Document Type: Photograph
Document Title: Miss. D. Flavelle and "Family"
School: St. Peter's Indian Residential School (Lesser Slave…

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