Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Browse Items (5 total)

77 Sherwood, 1962.jpg
A black and white photo of a three story low rise building with apartments in it, two cares are parked outside and there is an exterior wooden staircase on the left side of the building.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

112 Sherwood, 1962.jpg
A black and white photograph of three town houses, one of which has two small children out front.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

93-95 Sherwood, 1962.jpg
A black and white photo of two row houses, to the right of both is a covered driveway through the building.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

118 Sherwood, 1962.jpg
A black and white photo of the exterior of the Ste. Famille School with two children seated on the front steps.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

48,50,52 sherwood, 1963.jpg
Black and white photo of row houses with a small car parked out front, poor quality photograph.

Tags: Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada Digital History, Digital Humanities, Canada

Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2