Browse Items (186 total)

Photo taken at the Gala Performance held in the honour of the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, and his wife, Nancy Reagan, on the occasion of their visit to Canada on Tuesday, March 10, 1981.

A photograph of Glenn Gould adjusting his piano chair. The cushion is still intact on the seat and there is none of the wiring or tape which is presently noticeable on the chair.

Photgraph of NAC maquette viewing, front.jpg
Photograph of various people (including Hamilton Southam, centre) viewing a maquette displaying the proposed design for the National Arts Centre. Photographer's stamp included on the back

Photos of the original seating from Southam Hall, which were replaced during the renovations with seats that had better acoustical properties. The photo shows the original seating in a pile following their removal.

Arial view photograph of maquette of NAC concert hall seat arrangement with description on back: "OTTAWA -- This drawing shows the proposed seating arrangement in the 2,300-seat concert hall of the National Arts Centre. The complex will also include…

Photograph of Southam Hall from stage perspective during its construction.

Visit to the construction site of the NAC in 1967, including Hamilton Southam, Mrs. Loeb, and Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson.

Photographs of Pál Pátzay's bronze bust of Béla Bartók taken from front- and side-facing angles. A close-up of Pál Pátzay's signature on the sculpture is included as well.

Photographs taken by NAC Archivist-Curator Robert VanderBerg.

Photograph of Pál Pátzay's busy of Zoltán Kodály taken from front- and side-facing angles. Photograph of Pátzay's signature on the bust is included as well.

When the National Arts Centre was originally in its design stages, the Diefenbaker government had proposed a large museum to be built on the land adjacent to the south. Hamilton Southam and his team imagined that the Confederation Square site on…
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