Browse Items (186 total)

Georges E. Michaud vers l'âge de quarante ans. (Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, 2017. "Georges E. Michaud - 10", Documents numérisés. Consulté le 19 avril 2017,

Georges Michaud (81 ans) à l'intérieur de l'église Saint René Goupil de Gatineau. (Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, 2017. "Georges E. Michaud", Documents numérisés. Consulté le 20 mars 2017,…

White round button surrounding with pink line. Pink and blue text. 750 copies were distributed. (University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections. “Free day care, not free trade”. Atom. Accessed March 28.…

A photograph of a 3.5" inch floppy disk. Color: Black; IBM formatted; 1.44 MB; Serial number: GK600G2201; Good physical condition; Label: "Final Report 1997, Women in Engrg chair; SSHRC; AMIA.htm[?]

A high-level overview of file system characteristics (fiwalk_report.pdf).

An Excel version of the file system metadata converted from DFXML format. Includes filename, extension, filesize, file format, access time, creation time, modification time, and checksum hashes (fiwalk-output.xml.xlsx).

Bar graph of the file counts by format (bc_format_bargraph.pdf).

Diagram showing a cross-section of an optical disc.

figure 1.png
A diagram of how an optical disc reader works.

1977-07-02-1977-07-30_Festival Canada_23x38 (3)_NAC.POS.1977.019.jpg
Promotional material for the National Arts Centre’s Summer Festival in 1977. These operas were staged as part of the Festival Canada series with performances. The promotional material lists some of the performances that were to take place in the…
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