Browse Items (186 total)

Evan Sterling is a second-year masters' student in the Information Studies program at the University of Ottawa, with an undergraduate degree in applied mathematics and engineering. He is interested in changes in how scientific research is…

Sarah Potts is a first-year Masters of Information Studies student at the University of Ottawa. Her research interests lie within understanding Canadian cultural phenomena and the importance that reconciliation plays within Indigenous Librarianship…

Originally from London, Ontario, Raphaël Plamondon is a first-year student in the Masters of information studies program at the University of Ottawa. He completed an Honours degree in psychology at the same university. He has an avid interest in…

Roshae Miller is a communication enthusiast from Jamaica. She earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism from the University of the West Indies, Mona. Before pursuing a Master of Communication degree at the University of Ottawa, she worked as a…

Brittany Melia is a first year Master of Information Science student at the University of Ottawa. She completed her undergraduate degree at Carleton University in English literature. She is interested in reading and writing all types of fiction and…

Xiaohan Li is currently in the first year of the Master of Communication program at the University of Ottawa. She has experience working as an editor and is interested in the role that new media plays in the publishing industry.

Wanting Ma is a first-year Master of Communication student at the University of Ottawa. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton University. Her research interests lie in the field of academic writing practices, particularly associate with…

Zongjun (Tom) Jiang is a Master of Communication student at the University of Ottawa. He has a background in media and communication theory, and post-video production and creative 3D design.

Anna Gopenko was born in Leningrad, USSR and has lived in Canada for over 20 years. Her background is in Linguistics/Translation, but her new passion is library management. Her dream is to be part of a systematic review team, working on a health…

Xiaofan Cai is a first-year student of Master of Communication program in University of Ottawa. She completed a Bachelor of Arts with Major in Journalism in China. Her research interests include social media, fan culture and feminism.
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