Browse Items (186 total)

Diagram showing a cross-section of an optical disc.

A guide to the preservation of DVD-R in an archival setting.

Caldwell 2018.pdf
Step by step instructions on accessioning born-digital content with BitCurator

UofK 2016.pdf
Step by step instructions for accessioning digital content using Exactly.

Visit to the construction site of the NAC in 1967, including Hamilton Southam, Mrs. Loeb, and Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson.

A drawing of NAC building profile from the point of view of the canal created by the architects responsible for the project.

Arial view photograph of maquette of NAC concert hall seat arrangement with description on back: "OTTAWA -- This drawing shows the proposed seating arrangement in the 2,300-seat concert hall of the National Arts Centre. The complex will also include…

Photograph of a sketch of the NAC salon with drawn people to give an idea of the function of the space as well as an attached letter on the back: "SALON | Salon of the National Arts Centre has direct access to the Royal Box of the Opera House-Concert…

Aerial view of National Arts Centre, Ottawa, front.jpg
Photograph of the National Arts Centre at night, in downtown Ottawa with photographer's stamp on the back

Visit of Southam Hall, front.jpg
Photograph of a visit to Southam Hall in the National Arts Centre in April 1969 for an inspection of the opera boxes.

Description on the back identifies the individuals in the picture:

Mr + Mrs Pearson and their daughter [Patricia].
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