Browse Items (186 total)

When the National Arts Centre was originally in its design stages, the Diefenbaker government had proposed a large museum to be built on the land adjacent to the south. Hamilton Southam and his team imagined that the Confederation Square site on…

The public washrooms were one of the core elements in need of significant upgrading. Not only were the original washrooms too small, but a study of the facilities from the 1970s identified excessive wait times during intermission. The renovations…

Photos of Southam Hall under renovation.

Photo 1 shows the entire Hall during the phase of renovation when the construction workers were preparing for the new flooring and seating. It also shows the gutted stage.

Photo 2 shows the balcony.

Chair used by Glenn Gould for playing piano. Modified by Glenn Gould's father, Russell Herbert Gold from a wooden folding chair; 10.16cm have been sawed off of each leg, and brass brackets and half of a turnbuckle allow for individual adjustments.…

Clipping of a newspaper article offering an opinion on the inclusion of potentially problematic cultural idioms in multiculturalism in Canada. Opens with discussion of inclusion of Hungarian figures and the impacts on Hungarian-Canadians.

This illustration is on page 358, vol. 1 of Narrative of the canadian red river exploring expedition of 1857: And of the assinniboine and saskatchewan exploring expedition of 1858. The illustration portrays how the Cree Indians trap and capture the…

Round yellow button with black text. (University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections. “Equal Opportunity Now”. Atom. Accessed February 28.

Ron tweet.png
Screen capture (image) of tweet: 3 years ago: I was advised to refrain from posting a manuscript to @biorxivpreprint b/c risk of scooping & not all journals accepting preprinted manuscripts.

Today: I was advised to post to biorxiv and wait a…

Open correspondence by piano tuner and technician C. Verne Edquist to Glenn Gould describing critical damage sustained to the Steinway CD 318. He notes that it can only be repaired by Steinway technicians at the location where it was manufactured.

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Clocher de l’église de Pointe aux Roches, comté d’Essex Nord. (Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, 2017. "Clocher de l’église de Pointe aux Roches", Documents numérisés. Consulté le 20 mars 2017,…
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