Browse Items (186 total)

The Front Cover of a reprinted book. The Book is the accounts of Pehr Kalm, a Swedish explorer and scientist while visiting Canada. He discusses the peoples he encounters while there, including Indigenous peoples and French Canadians. The book was…

Large, round, red button with white lettering:

"Reproductive Rights for Women" (University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections. "Reproductive Rights for Women". Atom. Accessed February 28.…

Round yellow button with black text. (University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections. “Equal Opportunity Now”. Atom. Accessed February 28.

Purple t-shirt with white text on the front right side, and additional text on the centre of the back.

Red and white button with black lettering: "Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value" overtop design of balancing scales. (University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections. “Equal pay for work of equal value”. Atom. Accessed February 28.…

White button with black text. (University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections. “Close the wage gap now”. Atom. Accessed February 28.

Georges E. Michaud est debout près d'une voiture dans un champ de blé au Nouveau-Brunswick. (Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, 2017. "Georges E. Michaud - 1", Documents numérisés. Consulté le 23 mars 2017,…

"Le magasin général A. Séguin et quelques maisons du village de Dumas." (Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, 2017. "Vue du village de Dumas (Saskatchewan) - 5", Documents numérisés. Consulté le 23 mars 2017,…

Georges E. Michaud prend part d'un pique-nique à la ferme expérimentale de Nappan, en Nouvelle-Écosse. (Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, 2017. "Ferme expérimentale de Nappan en Nouvelle-Écosse - 3", Documents numérisés. Consulté le 23 mars 2017,…

Transcription of text on title page: "Roughing it in the bush; / or, / life in Canada. / By Susan Moodie. / I sketch from nature, and the picture's true; / whate'er the subject, whether grave or gay, / painful experience in distant land / made it my…
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