Browse Items (186 total)

A report showing the deleted files recovered by the Fiwalk took in BitCurator (fiwalk_deleted_files.pdf).

High-level overview of features identified by bulk_extractor such as personal and private information (bulk_extractor_report.pdf ).

Bar graph of the file counts by format (bc_format_bargraph.pdf).

A screenshot of the files exported from disk 2. This is Stage 3, step 4.

Invitation to the reception for the busts of Zoltán Kodály and Béla Bartók donated by Mr. Odon I. Panek and Mrs. Yvonne Panek in the presence of the Hungarian Ambassador. Describes the proceeding of events for the evening and details for RSVP.

Clipping of a newspaper article documenting the donation of a bust of Zoltán Kodály to the National Arts Centre.

This sketch was used for making a respective stage prop for the 2019 production of the play The Unnatural and Accidental Women written by Marie Clements (published in 2005). The sketch contains a colourful depiction of the switchboard, details on…

Photo of the 27 Hours Research Group formed in the Winter 2019 session of the Advanced Research in Music course (MUS4928) in the School of Music at the University of Ottawa. Researchers: Katie Gratton (right) and Rachel Lloyd (left).

This article describes the events of Ronald Reagan's 27-hour visit to Ottawa on March 10 and 11, 1981. The article claims that although friendships were being forged between Reagan and Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, several key issues…

This article describes the events of President Ronald Reagan's visit to Ottawa on March 10-11, 1981. The article discusses the State Dinner, the program of the Gala Performance at the National Arts Centre, and details the expense and the planning…
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