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Photgraph of NAC maquette viewing, front.jpg
Photograph of various people (including Hamilton Southam, centre) viewing a maquette displaying the proposed design for the National Arts Centre. Photographer's stamp included on the back

A photograph of Glenn Gould adjusting his piano chair. The cushion is still intact on the seat and there is none of the wiring or tape which is presently noticeable on the chair.

This press clipping describes the opera Cosi fan tutte held at the National Arts Centre. Brian Jackson, Brian MacDonald, and Mario Bernardi are mentioned for their great work with the opera. Thistle focuses more on the individual singers, describing…

Photo of President of the United States Ronald Reagan, wife Nancy Reagan, and Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, on the stairs in the lobby of the National Arts Centre on the occasion of the gala concert honouring Reagan's visit to Canada on March…

Photo was taken at the Gala Performance honouring the visit of President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan on March 10, 1981.

The President of the United States Ronald Reagan and Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in the state box at the National Arts Centre on the occasion of a Gala Performance on Tuesday March 10, 1981.

Photo taken at the Gala Performance held in the honour of the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, and his wife, Nancy Reagan, on the occasion of their visit to Canada on Tuesday, March 10, 1981.

White round button surrounding with pink line. Pink and blue text. 750 copies were distributed. (University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections. “Free day care, not free trade”. Atom. Accessed March 28.…

Steinway CD 318 concert grand piano built in 1943 at Steinway & Sons, New York, NY (Bazzana, Kevin. 2005. Wondrous Strange : The Life and Art of Glenn Gould. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 246). "Glenn Gould discovered it backstage at the Eaton…
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