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Roshae Miller is a communication enthusiast from Jamaica. She earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism from the University of the West Indies, Mona. Before pursuing a Master of Communication degree at the University of Ottawa, she worked as a…

Large, round, red button with white lettering:

"Reproductive Rights for Women" (University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections. "Reproductive Rights for Women". Atom. Accessed February 28.…

Screencapture of the "Reasons we are part of the feminist movement" exhibit developed for the Cultural Heritage Resources seminar in the School of Information Studies (University of Ottawa).

Purple t-shirt with white text on the front right side, and additional text on the centre of the back.

Ravneet Bajwa obtained a B.A. with specialization in Psychology and Minor in French as a Second Language. Started Master of Information Studies in 2015 part-time, and has worked for the Government of Canada since 2013. She expects to complete her MIS…

Originally from London, Ontario, Raphaël Plamondon is a first-year student in the Masters of information studies program at the University of Ottawa. He completed an Honours degree in psychology at the same university. He has an avid interest in…

Gala Concert in honour of Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States of America, on Tuesday, March 10, 1981, at 6:30 pm, in the Opera at the National Arts Centre. The gala featured performances by Henri Bergeron, Tommy Banks, Dave Broadfoot,…

This is the third set of production notes from the 2019 production of the play The Unnatural and Accidental Women written by Marie Clements in 1997. A prop list is provided with questions and notes regarding how they should be used, dimensions, and…

The illustration is described in Lafitau’s work as follows: “Fig. 1 Hurons & Iroquois, homme & femme. 2. Algonquin & Algonquine. 3. Eskimaux, homme & femme. 4. Peuples du Groenland & de la Nouvelle-Zemble”.…

This press clipping describes the opera Cosi fan tutte held at the National Arts Centre. This journal article mainly describes the improvements to Cosi fan tutte from the 1972 production to the 1973 production. In paticular, Kraglund mentions the…
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