Browse Items (186 total)

The Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport was known as the CFB Uplands Airport at the time of the state visit of Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States of America. This is where Reagan and his wife, Nancy, arrived on Air Force…

Photos of the original seating from Southam Hall, which were replaced during the renovations with seats that had better acoustical properties. The photo shows the original seating pre-demolition.

Images showing types of damage that can affect optical discs including DVD-Rs.

The series of protocols and legal parameters for acceptance of donations by the National Gallery of Canada. It delineates what types of items are allowed to be accepted and what should be denied.

Transcription of text on title page: “Mœurs / des / sauvages / ameriquains, / compare’es aux mœurs / des premiers temps. / Par le P. Lafitau, de la compagni de Jesus. / Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce. / Tome troisieme. / A Paris, / chez…

Transcription of text on title page: “Mœurs / des / sauvages / ameriquains, / compare’es aux mœurs / des premiers temps. / Par le P. Lafitau, de la compagni de Jesus. / Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce. / Tome premier. / Impr. à Rollan, &…

Mary Aksim is a second-year Master of Information Studies student at the University of Ottawa's School of Information Studies and is expected to graduate in Spring 2018. She also holds an MA in Linguistics from the University of Toronto. She has…
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