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HIVAIDS Meeting VHS Tape, Part 1 of 2 - label.jpg
Label from a Polaroid VHS tape about an HIV/AIDS Meeting.

HIVAIDS Meeting VHS Tape, Part 1 of 2 - front.jpg
Front of a Polaroid VHS tape, including label, about an HIV/AIDS Meeting.

HIVAIDS Meeting VHS Tape, Part 1 of 2 - case.jpg
Case of a Polaroid VHS tape about an HIV/AIDS Meeting.

These graphics share results of data-driven analysis of representation in popular music programming at the National Arts Centre from 1969 to 1976. The data was extracted from NAC's annual reports from the seven seasons in this period, and reflects…

Grace Clark is an artist and master’s student in the Information Studies program at the University of Ottawa, with a background in English and Greek and Roman Studies. Moving Through the Grey: Publishing in Motion is her first written…

Steinway CD 318 concert grand piano built in 1943 at Steinway & Sons, New York, NY (Bazzana, Kevin. 2005. Wondrous Strange : The Life and Art of Glenn Gould. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 246). "Glenn Gould discovered it backstage at the Eaton…

Chair used by Glenn Gould for playing piano. Modified by Glenn Gould's father, Russell Herbert Gold from a wooden folding chair; 10.16cm have been sawed off of each leg, and brass brackets and half of a turnbuckle allow for individual adjustments.…

Portrait de Georges Michaud. (Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, 2017. "Georges Michaud", Documents numérisés. Consulté le 19 avril 2017,

Georges E. Michaud est debout près d'une voiture dans un champ de blé au Nouveau-Brunswick. (Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, 2017. "Georges E. Michaud - 1", Documents numérisés. Consulté le 23 mars 2017,…
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