Deformation V


Deformation V


Black composer Gary Nash composed "Deformation V" for bassoon and piano. As described on the composer's website:

"Deformation V, a six minute, single movement composition for bassoon and piano, completed February 6, 1993 was composed for Barrick Stees, bassoon and Phillip Hosford, piano and premiered by Mark Alex Williams, bassoon and Choonwoo Kim, piano on April 25, 1993 at the “Premieres of New Music Concert” at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Out of all other “Deformation” compositions written by Gary Powell Nash, Deformation V is the most successful, in regards to the title relating to the overall musical outcome. Using J.S. Bach’s Allegro from Sonata II in A minor for Solo Violin as a major premise, Nash took the 3 most common musical events from the J.S. Bach model, which include five note arpeggios, octave displacement and the motive 8th, 16th, 16th, 8th, 8th, 8th, 8th, 8th note rhythm and manufactured newer melodies and musical events.

Deformation V commences with the bassoon performing a direct quote from the J.S. Bach model while the piano plays sustained dissonances underneath, occurring through the first eight measures. At measure 9, the music becomes more and more obscure from the model as Nash implements those newer discoveries into the composition. Such discoveries/musical events include quintuplet rhythms derived from the five note arpeggios and metric modulations based on those same patterns. Deformation V features fast paced music throughout much of the composition with a contrasting slow section in the middle, which concludes with a solo cadenza and return to the fast music in the opening section, as also displayed in all other Gary Powell Nash “Deformations”."
Duration: 6 minutes


Nash, Gary Powell




0-10 minutes




bassoon / basson

Ensemble Type



Nash, Gary Powell, “Deformation V,” Music EnLivened, accessed October 16, 2024,

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