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Black composer Jeff Scott wrote "Of Good and Evil" for oboe and piano. As written by the composer on the TrevCo publisher's website:

"I’m drawn to the subject of good versus evil. Goddesses and demons, angels, and devils – I find it all…

Venezuelan composer Mirtu Escalona-Mijares composed and dedicated "Palabras de Maderas" for Cyprien Busolini at the Fondation Suisse, Cité Interntionale Universitaire de Paris. As written on the publisher's website: "Paris - France.Love, Peace,…

Ugandan composer Justinian Tamusuza wrote "Okukoowoola Kw'Ekkondeere" in 2006. Hickey's Music Center website includes the following notes: "An unaccompanied horn call by one of Africa's leading composers, it adds unique diversity to the solo horn…

Sri Lankan-born Canadian composer Dinuk Wijeratne composed "Portrait of the Imaginary Composer" in 2019 for cello and piano.

Queer Afro-Latinx violinist and composer Darian Donoovan Thomas wrote "Disintegrating Foundation Under a Catastrophe of Air" in 2020/2021. Commissioned by Bass Players for Black Composers. The composer's website includes the following statement:…

Puerto Rican composer Roberto Sierra composed "La Memoria" on commission from Matt Haimovitz.

Nigerian American composer Godwin Sadoh composed the "Nigerian Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra" in 2005.

Mexican composer Leonardo Coral wrote "Alucinaciones" for solo viola. As stated in a blog, written in 2004, Alucinaciones "was dedicated to the Mexican violist Omar Hernandez-Hidalgo. The work consists of four movements: I-Mares [Phosphorescent…

Mexican composer José L. Elizondo's "Danzas Barrocas" (Baroque Dances) was dedicated to Mexican cellist Carlos Prieto. As indicated on the composer's website: the Baroque "Dances is a suite of 3 short dances in Baroque style, inspired by Bach's cello…

Japanese composer Dai Fujikura's "Samarasa" was composed in 2010 with a new version in 2014. As written on his website, Fujikura states: "'Samarasa' is a rough translation for 'mind at rest' in Sanskrit. I composed this piece for the violinist…
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